Split system air conditioner is a type of central air conditioning that divides the conditioned air into two streams. One stream is taken to a room or rooms where the temperature is needed, while the other stream is sent to an unoccupied area of the building.
Split-systems are more energy efficient than room-by-room systems because they eliminate wasted cooling by sending unused cold air outside. They also take up less floor space than room-by-room systems because they have no ductwork, wall mounted aircon are easier to install them in small rooms or apartments.
The use of split air conditioning units has been spreading among homeowners in recent years due to their lower costs and simpler installation requirements.
Split system aircon are cooling and heating systems which combine the two functions of an air conditioner and a heating system in one unit. The most commonly used system is a split air conditioner system, also known as a ductless air conditioner system.
A split ac unit is an indoor device that cools or heats your home by pumping refrigerant through one of two coils (either the cool coil or the hot coil).
How Does an AC Condenser Work and Why is it Important?
Split system air conditioning use refrigerant fluids to transport heat and cool air. The refrigerant fluid is pumped around the split system AC condenser coils, which are a set of metal cores with a fan flowing air over them.
The heat in the air circulating in the system makes it evaporate. The gas then goes to the condenser coil where it cools and turns back into liquid.
This process is called vapor-compression refrigeration cycle, which is used by all modern split system heating and cooling efficiently.
Air conditioners do not work without AC condensers because they are part of the refrigeration cycle that takes excess heat out of hot or humid indoor air, reducing indoor temperature and humidity levels.
The condenser is a coil of tubing with refrigerant flowing through it. The purpose of the condenser is to exchange heat from the refrigerant. The refrigerant flows in on one side and cools down by exchanging its heat with the air on the other side.
An air conditioning coil is responsible for removing heat from your home or workplace and turning it into cool air. The AC coil has holes throughout to connect to the outside, where it can then remove heat.

Determining Your Home’s Capacity for a Split AC System
Knowing what size air conditioner, you need for your home can be a challenge. A split AC system is one way to get the cooling you need without using up any more space than you have available.
Typical cooling requirements for homes include:
• The use of central or ducted air conditioning (double or single system)
• Air-to-air or air-to-ground heat exchanger
• A variable speed compressor
• An electronic expansion valves
• Intelligent controls (for example, thermostats and remote controls)
The size of a split AC system will depend on certain factors such as the size and number of rooms in the house and the level of cooling required by each room. In general, an air conditioner should cool at least 75% of your home in order to maintain a comfortable temperature.
The right size and central placement in the room are just two of many considerations that must be made before purchasing an air conditioner. See online store of the best split air conditioning systems in Australia.